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5 Important Things You Should Know About Wisdom Teeth Removal

5 Important Things You Should Know About Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom Teeth Surgery: What To Expect Before, During & After

Your back molars are the last adult teeth to appear in your mouth. They appear on the tip and bottom of both sides, and they usually emerge between the ages of 17 and 22. Most of the time, people need to get their wisdom teeth removed because they don’t have enough room in their jaws to accommodate them.

If you are getting ready for wisdom teeth removal, you may have some questions about the process. An Glendale dentist shares below 5 things to know about this process so you can get peace of mind.  

What To Expect On The Day Of The Surgery?

Wisdom teeth removal is an outpatient surgery, so you will arrive and leave the dental clinic on the same day. The doctor may get you local anesthesia or sedation, and in that case, you may wake up in the dental chair. With anesthesia, you’ll need a longer time to wake up, so you may be taken to a recovery room.

Don’t worry if you cannot fully remember how you got from the dental chair to the recovery room, as this is a usual symptom of sedation. However, you should always ask your dentist which type of sedation you’ll receive during the extraction. 

You will start feeling your mouth again slowly. You may feel some pain and swelling, which is completely normal. Some blood is also expected, so do not be scared of it on the first day of recovery. 

You can start using an ice pack almost immediately after leaving the recovery room. Your dentist will give you instructions regarding medications, so pay attention to them. You’ll be sent home once you feel ready. Your North Phoenix dentist may insist on having someone else drive you home for safety reasons.

Wisdom Teeth Removal Recovery

People usually recover from wisdom teeth removal in three or four days. However, in some cases, it can take up to a week. 

The wound after surgery won’t be healed for several weeks, so there’s still a risk of developing an infection. Therefore, you have to take care of yourself and pay attention to any signs of problems with your mouth. 

You should avoid activities that could dislodge stitches, including:

  • Smoking
  • Spitting
  • Drinking from straws
  • Excessive exercise

Some bleeding, pain, and swelling are normal after the procedure. It should last just a few days, so you won’t have trouble getting back to your normal activities.

After the third day of surgery, your symptoms will be greatly improved. You may even start doing exercise, but opt for slow ones such as walking and yoga. Avoid high-intensity workouts as they may clot the blood over your wound. 

What About Home Care?

Pay attention to your mouth care when getting home if you want to avoid infections. Remember that your wound won’t be fully healed after a few weeks. 

Your Glendale dentist will give you instructions on how to clean and protect your mouth after the wisdom teeth removal. On the first day of the surgery, you may not be able to brush, rinse or floss, and that’s completely normal. 

The dentist may recommend you rinse your mouth with salt water to keep the wound clean. However, you cannot spit the water out while rinsing. You may also be able to gently dab the wound with gauze to absorb blood.

As the name implies, a tooth extraction is a dental process that completely removes the tooth from its socket. Many people refer to this process as ‘pulling’ a tooth. 

Only a certified dentist can make this dental process. The dentist starts the extraction by numbing the area so that you don’t feel discomfort or pain. Then, they use a lever-like item (known as ‘elevator’) to loosen the tooth in the socket. Once it is loose, the dentist will officially extract it. You may feel some pressure, but nothing too severe for you to worry.

Once the tooth is ‘pulled out’, you’ll bite on a piece of gauze for at least 45 minutes to block the blood flow that will naturally occur. During this time, stay alert to the indications the dentist will offer.

How To Relieve Pain

Using ice packs and taking pain medication is crucial to reducing swelling and pain. You should ask your dentist for instructions on how often you can use the ice pack on your face. Do not put ice directly on your face because it can cause an ice burn.

Take your pain medication as instructed. During the recovery, you may also take antibiotics to avoid infections. Be sure to take the antibiotics exactly as instructed by your oral surgeon or dentist. 

Foods & Drinks You Should Avoid

You have to eat well and stay hydrated while recovering, although you may not have a good appetite immediately after surgery. Feel free to ask your Arizona dental clinic for specific instructions on what you can drink and eat during the first days of your recovery.

You may be able to eat foods that don’t require much chewing and don’t disrupt your blood clot.  

Most dentists recommend eating this while recovering:

  • Soup
  • Mashed potatoes
  • Cottage cheese
  • Apple sauce
  • Healthy smoothies
  • Puddin

You have to avoid extremely hot or cold food because it can burn the wound. You cannot eat nuts or seeds because they could get stuck in the hole where your wisdom teeth used to be. Also, avoid drinking from straws as it could dislodge your blood clot. 

When Should My Teeth Be Extracted?

In some cases, you cannot save your teeth, and the dentist will need to remove them. It normally happens when you have a large cavity that risks too much of your tooth’s structure. An extraction may be the best alternative if your tooth has several damages.

An Arizona dental clinic may also recommend you a tooth extraction if your tooth has a crack below the gumline. 

Learn More With An Arizona Dental Clinic

Do you have more questions regarding your wisdom teeth removal? Are you looking for the best alternative for a healthy smile? Aesthetic Dentistry of Arrowhead can help. Aesthetic Dentistry of Arrowhead is a top-rated dental clinic that offers affordable services for your dental health, including implants, cleanings, veneers, and more. Contact us now to schedule your appointment. 


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