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Endodontic Treatment

Glendale’s Top-Rated Endodontists Specializing In Root Canal Treatments

Experience compassionate care at Aesthetic Dentistry of Arrowhead with our dedicated endodontic specialists. We offer effective treatments to restore your injured teeth, including Root Canal Therapy, Internal Tooth Bleaching, Endodontic Retreatment to restore and strengthen your teeth, and Apicoectomy procedures . Your dental health is our priority, and we’re here to ensure you receive the best care possible. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

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      Leading Glendale Endodontists For Root Canal Treatments & More

      Restore Your Damaged Teeth With Glendale’s Top Endodontic Services

      Endodontic or root canal treatment focuses on the pulp, the soft tissue inside your tooth that includes nerves and blood vessels. This treatment is designed to save the tooth when the pulp becomes infected or damaged due to trauma, decay, or other issues. Our dentists will clean and disinfect the tooth’s inner chamber, then fill it to prevent further problems. This approach often provides the best chance to preserve your natural tooth.

      Endodontic treatment performed with modern dental technology in Glendale

      Endodontic Dentistry

      Endodontic dentistry or endodontics is a branch of dentistry that specializes in the treatment of the inside of the tooth, including tooth enamel and nerve pulp. If tooth decay is not treated in time, it will spread deeper into the teeth causing the the tooth pulp tissue to die. This can lead to loss of the tooth. An injury or disease that affects the insides of a tooth is treated with the help of endodontic dentistry.

      There are many procedures performed in endodontic dentistry; many of these procedures are performed by Aesthetic Dentistry of Arrowhead to relieve pain in the teeth caused by inflammation and infection of the pulp. Given below are the four most commonly performed endodontic procedures.

      Root Canal Therapy procedure for tooth infection relief

      Root Canal Therapy

      Root canal therapy is carried out when inflammation and/or infection below the tooth causes unbearable pain, sometimes an abscess, and threatens the existence of the tooth. The dentist creates a small opening in the crown of the tooth to reach the infected pulp; he scrapes away the pulp leaving behind the root canal which is cleaned and sealed. The final step is to place a crown on the tooth.

      Internal Tooth Bleaching for post-endodontic teeth whitening

      Internal Tooth Bleaching

      Internal tooth bleaching is carried out for those who wish to whiten their teeth after endodontic treatment. Teeth become devitalized and stained from the inside from blood and other fluids. A peroxide gel is placed in the cleaned root area and it whitens the teeth from inside.

      Protect and Strengthen with Endodontic Retreatment for ongoing tooth pain

      Protect & Strengthen Endodontic Retreatment

      An endodontic retreatment is performed if after root canal therapy, the tooth has not healed as expected or if the pain continues. Endodontic retreatment can be necessary for various reasons, such as saliva contamination, complicated canals missed during the first treatment, crown placement was delayed, etc.

      Apicoectomy surgery to treat persistent pulp infection


      Apicoectomy or root end surgery is carried out when a root canal treatment and subsequent endodontic retreatment fails to completely treat pulp infection and inflammation. The root tip along with the infected tissue is removed in an apicoectomy. An apicoectomy is carried out using an operating microscope and is also known as endodontic microsurgery.

      Our Clients’ Testimonials

      5-Star Rated Endodontists in Glendale, AZ

      Our patients rave about our 5-star rated dental crowns and bridges near Peoria, highlighting the exceptional quality of our services. Testimonials underscore the precision and natural aesthetics of our custom crowns, restoring both function and beauty to their smiles. Patients appreciate the personalized care, convenience, and accessibility we provide, making their dental experience positive and stress-free.

      Was referred here by a friend after I had a bad experience with another dentist… Dr. Ceyhan is very personable and thorough!…

      Michael V., Glendale
      5-Star Rated Review

      Clean quiet office. Hygienists always very nice & Dr. Ceyhan is always smiling. Great dentists that makes me feel comfortable!

      Monica P., Glendale
      5-Star Rated Review

      Comprehensive Endodontic Treatments for Children

      Specialized Pediatric Endodontic Care In Glendale

      Unless a child’s tooth is about to fall out, a dentist may recommend endodontic treatment on a child’s primary(baby) tooth. Without treatment, the child will experience pain or discomfort, and infection may result. Early extraction of the primary tooth is usually not advisable because primary teeth are necessary for chewing and for learning proper pronunciation during language development. Also if a baby tooth is extracted too early, neighboring teeth can shift and occupy some of the vacant space making it difficult for the permanent tooth to grow in properly.

      Symptoms that indicate a need for endodontic treatment can include toothache, sensitivity to hot and cold, or if the pulp has been exposed due to fracture and the child is experiencing sensitivity.

      The type of endodontic treatment that may be recommended depends on how seriously the pulp is affected, an evaluation of the tooth and the results of an X-ray.

      Young patient receiving a dental check-up for pulpotomy treatment in Glendale

      Pediatric Pulp Therapy Treatments

      There are two types of pulp therapy, depending on the condition of the tooth pulp:

      Vital Pulp Therapy

      The goal of vital pulp therapy is to preserve and protect the pulp. In this procedure, the pulp is only removed from the crown of the tooth and not from the root. Vital pulp therapy is only recommended if there is no swelling or abscess and the tooth is not loose. There are four main types of vital pulp therapy for baby teeth:

      • Protective Base:

        This treatment is done when the tooth is only affected by decay and the pulp is healthy. First the decay is removed, then a protective material is inserted into the tooth and then the tooth is filled.

      • Indirect Pulp Cap:

        This treatment is carried out when decay has come close to the pulp but does not reach it. The endodontist will remove as much of the decayed matter as possible without touching the sensitive pulp. A protective dressing is placed to cover the pulp which helps to speed up the healing process. A filling is placed on top of the dressing.

      • Direct Pulp Cap:

        This procedure is performed when a little bit of the healthy pulp has been exposed due to tooth decay or fracture. Medicine is applied to the exposed pulp to prevent infection, then the pulp cap is placed and the tooth is filled. Direct pulp cap procedures have a higher success rate in permanent teeth, so this therapy is rarely used for baby teeth.

      • Vital Pulpotomy:

        This treatment is an option when only the crown portion of the pulp has been damaged by decay or trauma and the root portion is still healthy. The dentist will remove all tooth decay along with the damaged portion of the pulp, leaving the healthy root pulp intact. Medicine is applied to the exposed portion of the root, and the tooth is filled and enclosed with a stainless steel crown. The crown protects the weakened tooth from future fracture or damage. If a vital pulpotomy is performed on a child’s permanent tooth, it is usually done as a temporary measure to allow the tooth’s root to finish growing. If necessary, a complete root canal treatment may be performed once the tooth root has matured.

      Non-vital Pulp Therapy

      Non-vital pulp therapy (also known as root canal treatment) is required when there is no chance of saving the pulp. The endodontist will remove the entire tooth pulp from inside the tooth and will clean and fill the canals with a special material. A stainless steel crown is then placed on the tooth by an Aesthetic Dentistry dentist to prevent it from fracturing. Extraction versus Endodontic Treatment for Primary Teeth.

      Many factors need to be considered when determining whether an extraction or an endodontic treatment is the right choice for your child. The choice of treatment depends on factors such as:

      • The location of the tooth that is affected.
      • The tooth’s useful remaining life.
      • The extent to which the pulp and tooth have been damaged.
      • Whether neighboring bone and gum tissue have been affected.
      • Whether the tooth can be properly repaired after the root canal is performed.
      • Whether the patient has a healthy or abnormal immune system. An extraction is recommended if child has a weak or compromised immune to avoid the chance of infection and resulting complications for the child.
      Dental professionals reviewing X-rays for pediatric pulp therapy treatment

      Getting A Root Canal Procedure Step-by-Step

      Step 1: Accessing The Tooth

      Our dentist first prepares the area by using local anesthesia to numb the area. Once the area is numb, our dentist places a dental dam in your mouth so he can drill through the tooth to access the root and pulp chamber.

      Step 2: Cleaning & Shaping

      Next, our dentist uses special instruments to clean the pulp chamber and root canals. This is necessary to shape the tooth properly and fill in the root canals. Once shaped, the dentist cleans the canals a second time. 

      Step 3: Sealing The Tooth

      Our dentist will use a special filling (gutta-percha) to fill the canals. Then, they will add an adhesive cement to seal the canals so there’s no any risk of infection. After that, the dentist will let you know about the recovery.

      Preserve Your Natural Teeth With Professional Endodontics

      Glendale dentist performing endodontic retreatment on a patient

      Endodontic Retreatment

      Endodontic retreatment can be a simple non-surgical procedure, a complex surgical one or a mix of both. The dentist will inform you about the most suitable treatment option for your case.

      The dentist at Aesthetic Dentistry of Arrowhead will create an opening into the restoration to reach the root canal filling material. He may have to remove the crown, post, and core material before he can reach the root canals. The post and other material are loosened using a post remover or an ultrasonic hand piece. The dentist then examines the inside of the tooth to locate additional canals or changes in the structure of the tooth.

      The dentist fills and seals the cleaned canals and a temporary filling is placed in the tooth. He may take X-rays to verify that the cleaning is as close as possible to the end of the root. Endodontic surgery may be required if the canals are very narrow or there is blockage. An incision is made so that the other end of the root can be sealed satisfactorily.

      Endodontic Retreatment For Unhealed Conditions

      An endodontic retreatment is performed if after the first treatment the tooth has not healed as expected or if the pain continues. Inadequate healing can be a result of:

      • Complicated Canals Were Missed During The First Treatment

      • There Was A Delay In Placing The Crown Or Restoration

      • Saliva Contaminated The Inside Of The Tooth

      • No Treatment Of Curved And Narrow Canals

      • Fresh Decay Exposing Root Canal Fillings Can Result In Infection

      • Loose Fillings Can Lead To New Infection

      • Fractured Tooth

      Dentist in Glendale demonstrating root canal retreatment with a model

      Why Glendale Residents Choose Our Endodontists

      Root canal procedure performed by an experienced dental professional in Glendale

      Qualified & Skilled Dentists Specialized In Root Canal Procedures

      Cost-effective dental care options in Glendale

      Cost-Effective & Customized Treatments

      Dental professional with over 15 years of experience treating an elderly patient

      More Than 15 Years Of Experience Treating Patients

      Restore Your Smile With Confidence With Our Endodontic Treatment

      Expert Root Canal Services Near Glendale

      Why Should I Get a Dental Bridge? | Aesthetic Dentistry of Arrowhead

      Our expert endodontic treatment, including precise root canal services, offers a reliable solution for saving your natural teeth. Conveniently located near Glendale, our experienced team is dedicated to providing gentle care that prioritizes your comfort and oral health so you can smile confidently once more. Trust us to restore your smile’s function and appearance, ensuring long-lasting results you can smile about.

      Say Goodbye to Dental Discomfort! Contact Our Dentists Near You!

      FAQs About Our Endodontic Treatment Services

      Recovery from a root canal typically takes a few days to a week. You might experience mild discomfort or sensitivity, but you can manage them with over-the-counter pain relievers. Full healing of the treated tooth and surrounding tissues can take a few weeks.

      Most teeth can be treated endodontically, including molars, premolars, and front teeth. However, the success of the treatment depends on factors like the extent of the infection, the structure of the tooth, and whether it has been previously treated.

      Your tooth will need a permanent restoration, such as a crown, to protect it from fractures and restore its function. Good oral hygiene, including regular brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups, is essential to maintaining the health of the treated tooth.

      Avoid eating until the numbness from the anesthesia wears off to prevent accidental biting. Once normal sensation returns, you can eat, but start with soft foods and avoid chewing directly on the treated tooth. Also, avoid very hot or cold beverages if the tooth is sensitive.

      Follow-up appointments are typically scheduled within a few weeks after the procedure to monitor healing and ensure the infection has cleared. Your dentist will also check the integrity of the temporary filling or crown. Additional follow-ups may be needed every six months to a year.

      While root canal treatments have a high success rate, it’s possible for a tooth to become re-infected. This can occur if the original infection was not fully eliminated, if the restoration fails and allows bacteria to re-enter the tooth, or if new decay forms.

      Failing to treat a tooth that needs endodontic treatment can lead to severe complications, including the spread of infection to the surrounding bone and tissues, the formation of abscesses, and tooth loss.

      Endodontic treatment is generally safe for pregnant women, especially during the second trimester, which is considered the safest period for dental procedures. Your dentist will take precautions, such as using minimal X-rays and avoiding certain medications, to protect both you and your baby.

      Some of these signs include persistent pain or discomfort in the treated tooth, swelling or tenderness in the gums, a pimple-like bump on the gums, or sensitivity to pressure.  Any of these symptoms should be addressed promptly by your dentist.

      Patients with heart conditions should inform their dentist about their medical history before undergoing endodontic treatment. In some cases, antibiotics may be prescribed before the procedure to prevent infection. Additionally, your dentist will take care to monitor your vital signs and use appropriate anesthesia.

      Stop By Our Local Endodontic Dental Office Near Glendale

      Experience Painless Root Canal Procedures In Glendale

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      17100 N 67th Ave, Suite 500
      Glendale, AZ 85308

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